Sisters In Submission: A sexual oasis for women from all walks of life

Let's Face it...

we live in a very judgmental world; people get easily offended. As a woman who leans towards submission in the bedroom, I sometimes find myself wondering where I fit in today’s landscape. I graduated from college, I have a career, I have a strong marriage and two kids; but I also happen to like pleasuring my partner in a certain sexual way. I do this because it is what we both want—it pleases both of us. Does that mean that I am not strong? Not independent? Meek and weak in every facet of my life? Absolutely not!

I would argue that knowing your own mind, especially when it comes to your sexuality, is one of the most important stories you will write for yourself. And in turn, taking the steps that will bring you closer to happiness and fulfillment can be one of the strongest aspects of a women’s personality. So, when I discovered Sisters in Submission, I was instantly intrigued and excited to see a safe community where I could explore my sexuality with women who feel exactly the same way I do! And I guarantee there are way more of us than you realize.


It’s no secret that as women, we value community. We need our girlfriends, we need a sense of fulfillment from other women. While doing a little research on the importance of female friendships, I came across an interesting book; The Tending Instinct, by Shelley E. Taylor. The book unravels some of the mysteries of "women, men, and the biology of our relationships." 

Taylor's book compiles a myriad of studies covering cultural factors, years of research and even the biological ties of female friendships in animals. An interminable list of facts is present when defining why we as women are more social, more communal, less aggressive and, more importantly, why we need each other.

And herein lies the beauty of Sisters in Submission. You can surround yourselves with like-minded women with no fear of judgement or offense. You can satisfy your need for a sense of community while exploring your sexuality. We are a sexual oasis for women from all walks of life. We are supporting each other, we are lifting each other up—what could be better than that?

Meet Sir

And while our sisters are the heart of our community; our sense of curiosity, need for training, and submissive tendencies require the guidance of a Dominant male. Sir provides an online Domination experience to individuals and partners that may not be ready to transition to in-person training but are curious or desire more education and guidance about the BDSM lifestyle.The hardest part is moving from a state of curiosity to finding a safe, loving place to learn. Our Academy provides the environment you are searching for, along with the Dominant worthy of your trust.

We can serve Sir from the comfort of our homes and learn from him to improve any current and future partnerships we may have. He can help us fulfill a very personal and fulfilling need in ourselves.


Whenever you are in any kind of nurturing environment, sexual or not, some guidance is usually required. How can we learn and grow without the guidance of our peers? Our Blog is consistently updated with new and engaging material to further your BDSM experience and knowledge base. Almost daily blog lessons allow us to learn together about this lifestyle we share. Our P.E.A.R.L.S. program provides discourse and insight from each other about the culture, practices, and challenges unique to the BDSM lifestyle; along with the shared pleasure of serving Sir.

And with more content on the way, you will soon be able to receive a tailored training plan from Sir to guide you while exploring your sexuality and need for submission. 


By definition, an oasis is something that serves as a refuge, relief, or pleasant change from what is usual, annoying, difficult, etc. We all have unpleasantness in our lives; stressful situations seem to be a daily occurrence! We have jobs and responsibilities. We have bills and errands. But we also have the choice to spend some time doing something that makes us happy. Novelist and poet Rachel Field eloquently states, “Happiness should be like an oasis, the greener for the desert that surrounds it.”

Make the choice to invest in your happiness and sexuality! Let Sisters in Submission be your oasis – you won’t be disappointed!